August 21, 2012

8th Annual Society of Civil War Surgeons Medical Living History

 George and I spent this past weekend in Gettysburg with our friends from the Society of Civil War Surgeons.
The National Parks Service allows a certain part of the actual battlefield directly across from the Pennsylvania Monument to be used for living histories. As is our custom we set up a Field Hospital.
We managed to get our tents set up before the rain came on Friday. We dined at "The Pub", our usual Friday night eatery, then went across the square to enjoy the perfect "black & white" ice cream soda at the Cannonball Olde Tyme Malt Shop.
Saturday was a beautiful day. We spoke to well over a thousand visitors that day. We demonstrated several surgical techniques, had a pay call which is always a laugh, along with many other "campsite" scenarios. Later that evening a few of the ladies surprised us with a delicious pork dinner.
Sunday morning began with breakfast prepared over the campfire. It was followed by church services provided by our Chaplain George assisted by another Chaplain who is new to the hobby.
The remainder of the day was similar to Saturday until we started to break down camp. Unfortunately the rain did not wait for us to leave and most of us had to take home wet canvas which is one of the few negatives of the hobby. There a few places to hang it to dry once I get home.
Aside from the occasional wet weather it was a perfect event. I have made the acquaintance of many people while in this hobby and the folks of the SOCWS are among my favorites. They are an absolute pleasure to be with. Whether it is a living history, a conference, or just around the dinner table, I always look forward to being in their company. We have a blast every time.
Photos and video courtesy of Robert Stransky.

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